Inspiring Economic Growth + Supporting Local Businesses
in Bluefield, West Virginia Region and Beyond
What We Do.
We are the Bluefield West Virginia Economic Development Authority (BEDA). Since 2015, we've been helping build economic vitality in the City of Bluefield, West Virginia and the surrounding region through our three-prong approach:
Support existing businesses and industries by helping them diversify and grow through a Business Retention and Expansion Program (BR&E) ​
Cultivate entrepreneurship
and innovation ​
Attract new industries, especially in the "TEAM" sectors. TEAM stands for Technology, Energy, and Advanced Manufacturing

Helping Businesses
Start + Expand.
We take seriously the initiative to cultivate a thriving business community, small and large. Our City is home to 80+ small businesses as well as larger companies like Intuit/Alorica, Omnis Building Technologies, and X-MATT CC. We have various resources available for businesses here in Bluefield such as our Entrepreneur to Entrepreneur annual event (E2E), Small Business Saturday, training events, and more.