Technology, Energy, & Advanced Manufacturing
"TEAM" Sector + New Industry
Mural in the Downtown Commercial Historic District
Technology, Energy, & Advanced Manufacturing
Bluefield's history is rich in manufacturing and skilled labor. By uniting Bluefield's past with its potential future, we have seen growth in our "T.E.A.M." Sector of our three-prong approach to economic development.
Our Focus
Advanced Manufacturing
Bluefield has seen an increase in technology use both residentially and commercially. This adaptation to technology has allowed Bluefield and surrounding areas to grow exponentially.
Bluefield is leading the region in energy adaptivity. Our approach to energy ensures every business has access to leveraging tools for energy consumption.
By utilizing the Commercialization Station, Bluefield has seen an increase in manufacturing businesses in the region.

Currently, Exit 1 off I-77, is underdeveloped and the City of Bluefield is taking aggressive steps to entice development. The City purchased approximately 80 acres at Exit 1 and recently received a $1 million dollar grant from the U.S. Economic Development Administration to prepare 10-12 acres for a mixed-use development. The land includes Census Tracts 23 and 24 which are designated as Opportunity Zones.